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Worship & Production

Welcome here!

Hello! My hope is that this page will be a useful resource to answer any questions you may have, to troubleshoot Planning Center issues, or to give you a sense of what to expect as a volunteer in Worship and Production!

Any questions? Contact Sarah Harder - Worship Director


Log into Planning Center

Planning Center is where you will find a database of all the songs that we do, your schedule and the order of services!

Need a Planning Center Tour?

Here are a couple videos to help you get started.

On a computer

On a phone

Tour of the Music Stand App

Worship at Crossview

Crossview has a HUGE family/community feel to it and I really want to celebrate that in our services.

  1. Ultimately, I want congregants to feel a sense of JOY when they are in the service – whether that is in thinking about the Goodness of God, about the hope we have in Him, the love He has for us, etc. To feel a sense of connection – both with their church community around them and with God. We get the opportunity to come together and unite in singing. That is such a powerful thing that I never want to take for granted.

  2. While we are striving towards excellence - we are doing the best we can each week - professional production and perfection is not the goal. We want the feeling of a family/community service.

  3. I want volunteers to feel confident in sharing their gifts (whether as a musician, vocalist, or tech), and I want to provide opportunities to for people to grow and take on new challenges.

  4. I want to continue to work on raising up the next generation of worship leaders. I love that we have so many young singers and camera operators! I want our teams to be a safe place for new volunteers to come.

What Should I Wear?

We don't have a formal dress code - but try to dress up a bit for Sunday morning!

General Guidelines:

  • No short skirts (be mindful that the stage is elevated)

  • No spaghetti strap tops or cropped tops

  • No leggings as pants or sweat pants - please also avoid tight pants in general

  • White or very light coloured tops can be hard on the camera, especially on the front line.

  • Avoid tees with large graphics

  • Avoid jeans with excessive rips

  • Please wear footwear

  • PRODUCTION: Please wear dark colours - especially on camera on-stage.

What to Expect As a Volunteer:

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