Small Groups
After Doubt - Kris Duerksen
If you are wrestling with your faith, or have friends or family wrestling with their faith, this group is for you! We don’t need to be afraid of questions or doubting. This will be a safe place to ask questions and learn how to have joy and confidence in the midst of questions.
Tuesday: 7:00 am – 8:00 am
Friday: 6:00 am - 7:00 am
Needed: Book - After Doubt: How to Question Your Faith without Losing it (by A.J. Swoboda)
Cost: Book or eBook to be purchased online. Costs ranges from $16-40 approximately
Becoming the Parent you want to be! - Thom Van Dycke
There isn't a magic bullet when it comes to parenting. Raising a family is hard work! And it is as much about who YOU are becoming, as it is about raising well-behaved kids. In this Small Group Thom will be teaching about the characteristics of a successful parent – including what defines success in the first place!
Thursday 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Needed: Journal
Cost: None
Integrity – the Best Foundation
Everyone says they embrace the value of integrity. But what is integrity? How do you now if a person or business has more than a stay-out-of-trouble integrity? During this small group study participants will learn how to develop six 'pillars' of integrity in their lives. ​
Thursday: 7:00 am - 8:00 am - Bill Pipke
Thursday: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Doug Loeppky
Needed: Book - Integrity - The Best Foundation (By Bill Pipke)
Cost: $25 - Available to purchase at 101-150 Penfeld Dr. Steinbach
The Book of James - Carla Anne Coroy
All we used to know about how to live and love has been turned upside down by Covid re-strictions. Let's dive into the Book of James which offers very practical ways to live out the faith we have by leaning into the grace God gives us as he calls us to a lifestyle of good works.
Tuesday: 12 noon - 1:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Needed: Bible and/or Bible App
Cost: None
Love Thy Body - Susan Penner
This six-week book study will examine the secular worldview behind current moral issues such abortion, euthanasia, and hook-up culture, helping you understand what is driving the cultural shifts around these issues. It then presents a clear and compassionate case for how the Christian worldview gives the wholeness and dignity to life and sexuality that people long for.
Tuesday 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Needed: Love Thy Body by Nancy R. Pearcey
Cost: Book or eBook to be purchased online. Costs ranges from $16-40 approximately
Prayer Small Groups - Eric Enns
In the next 6 weeks we will look at prayer from the stages of Weakness, Worship and Warfare. This will be simple in the set up yet powerful in application. Wherever you are in your prayer life, this is for you. It’s about relationship with each other, reading scripture and reaching out to God in prayer.
Tuesday 7:00 am - 8:00 am
Thursday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Needed: Bible or Bible app and Journal
Cost: None
Pre-Service Online Prayer Group - Eric Enns
This one hour meeting will be devoted to prayer for the service, for the people involved, the congregation, and any needs we are aware of.
Sunday 8:30 am - 9:30 am
Needed: Bible or Journal
Cost: None